Dorine Holsey Streeter is the Executive Vice President, Real Estate Investment Management for the James Campbell Company. She leads the company's portfolio and asset management function and San Francisco corporate office. Ms. Holsey Streeter has been with the Company since 1984, serving in asset management before becoming Director, Mainland Properties in 1999, and then Executive Vice President in 2004. She also serves on the Investment Committee for the Company. Prior to joining the Estate, Ms. Holsey Streeter was with the Real Property Management department of Wells Fargo Bank.
Ms. Holsey Streeter is a member of the Board of Directors of the Golden Gate chapter of Lambda Alpha International, a selective honorary land economics society, is a Foundation Governor, Key Leader as well as a former Trustee of the Urban Land Institute, and a Trustee of the Oakland Museum of California. She graduated from UC Berkeley with highest honors, obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture. She received her Master’s Degree in Architecture from UC Berkeley with a focus in urban design and was an American Institute of Architect Scholar. She became a licensed architect in 1986.